i started this sketchbook with a goal to try and finish it in a month. sadly it did not happen.
that is why these first couple of pages lack detail
this was when I realized that quality was more important then quantity. linework was quick and i could easy fill up pages to meet my goal, but i wasn't really learning too much.
the art was very much lacking
i did these 4 pages above the next day. i started drawing in the morning and by the time i started drawing the caricatures, i entered an extremly beautiful and intense flow state. i noticed that i was drawing quicker and with more intention, so i decided to continue drawing until i couldn't anymore.
spent a lot of time this summer with my grandma Jan (above), she got into drawing and was taking classes and it was so much fun being able to talk about art and give her tips. really glad i got to have that time now thinking back to it.
testing out my new fountain pen grandma got me.
found my way into an abandoned factory of some sort and quicky sketched this scene. the rain created a nice effect too.
my favorite was using the real grasses' natural pigments to get the green color.
met the girls on the left on a hiking trail with my uncle. definitely was not pressured to draw them by him at all hehe.
the girl on the right i drew at a cafe in montana i would visit. we ended up talking about where we were in our lives at the moment and when i asked them to sign thier names in the sketchbook, her and her friend wrote this.
this might just be my favorite thing i have ever drawn. i planned on continuing the pattern across the rest of the page.
obviously that did not happen.
came across the mutilated limb of a deer that had attempted to cross the train tracks. i spent some time examining it, and decided to keep moving along the tracks. after about a minute of walking i came upon another limb. i looked around to see a few more scattered about. something about this intrigued me.
one of the legs was bent strangely. i took a picture and when i got home, created a typeface.
i love this piece so much. i had found some rocks with the most vibrant orange moss growing all over them. the yellow seen above came from those. the blue, gray, brown, and some of the pink came from flowers i also came across.
without the touch of nature this would not be the same
drew tea from memory and was pleased with how it came out,
then tried to draw another woman from my head,
and it turned out terribly.
so i practiced drawing some women
my grandma took me over to her neighbors one day and introduced me to Manet. Manet was like a little mystery box to me. almost every inch of her house was decorated with some sort of art, mostly consisting of pottery she had made. to me, her house perfectly encapsulated the mind of an artist.
the clutter and constant engine of a working artist.
i told her that i was interested in learning pottery and for the rest of the summer i visited her house often. she went through in-depth lessons on the art and craft of pottery. i ended up making this too :)
thoughts i had been having throughout the summer. thoughts i have a lot of the time actually. luckily i got medicated and changed my major. i am feeling and doing much better now. i still have off days, who doesn't.
if you are having similar thoughts just know it gets easier and there is so much that can be done to help these feelings.
the character on the left is from a film i'm going to make.
my mom saw this flyer and thought it was for a comic book show.
it was not a comic book show.
it was also not the best place to be with your mom.
had fun drawing rick griffith (fun hair, left page),
a cool graphic designer i met in colorado.
my mother was not pleased with my depiction of her (bottom left). i promise she is much more beautiful then i made out the caricature to be
the next few pages all come from a tattoo festival i went to. it was the perfect place to draw people because they had to sit still.
mid-drawing the lady (above), someone told me that i wasn't allowed to draw the people without their permission. i tend not to ask most of the time, so i proceeded to ask her which she then told me that it was fine and that she liked the drawing.
another guy came up to me and asked to see the drawing. i joked about the situation to him and about how someone had told me I couldn't draw her, hoping to get a laugh from him.
turns out he was the girl's boyfriend.
he did not laugh.
i love the way the guy on the left looked. i think i captured him really well. i wish i could have just drawn him the whole time. drawing old people is my favorite.
the guy on the top right i had a good time drawing. i had been at the tattoo festival drawing for almost 6 hours at this point so i had a good flow going.
his girlfriend also recognized me from my videos on tik tok.
still don't know how to feel about that but it felt good.
grandma jan getting henna on head. also a lil creature i liked.